“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11:25)
A UK Pastor, honouring his wife at her recent funeral, while speaking of her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, called attention to the Gospel in a simple and searching way as follows:
‘The message of the Bible challenges us to consider whether it was all a matter of luck that this world – as we live in it and experience its grandeur and wonder – came about.
Was it mere chance that resulted in it all? Was Beethoven and Rembrandt and Shakespeare and Christopher Wren and Saunders Lewis and Jesus of Nazareth the result of chance? Was it mere luck that had brought about Iola, or you, or me? Isn’t there design and rationality and glory and consistency and divinity everywhere in the cosmos? Don’t our consciences warn us and rebuke us when we are motivated and moved by lust and anger and pride and greed? Of course they do.
That is the voice of God so that we are without excuse. We know God from what we see of Him in the great monitor of the conscience He has placed within us; so He is a moral deity. But also in the firmament, the night sky and sunset and clouds of starlings and Snowdonia and Cardigan Bay; so He is an omnipotent deity, restrained only by His will.
So we know that we are guilty and helpless creatures, one who must answer to the Almighty Creator, the God of light in whom there is not an atom of lust and pride and greed. We know of Him especially through His Son Jesus Christ. Our uninventable Lord is the final and ultimate proof of the existence of God.
What hope then is there for us? Men love darkness, and God is light. The message of Jesus is that God has loved this sinning, dying, groaning world and given up his only begotten Son to incarnation, and proclamation, and to the sacrifice of Calvary and resurrection that whoever entrusts themselves to Him can be pardoned and have everlasting life.’
– selected from article at