The first Christmas carol (Luke 1:46-56)

The first Christmas carol (Luke 1:46-56)

“My soul magnifies the Lord…”

What is your favorite Christmas carol? Christmas carols are songs about Jesus’ birth. Mary’s song was the first Christmas carol. She sang about how big and great God is. Have you ever looked through a magnifying glass? Have you seen how things can look very big through that magnifying glass? Mary wanted her life to magnify God. She wanted people to know how great God is. She sang about God as her Saviour, the Mighty One, Holy, and Merciful. He is able to keep all of His promises.

Why did Mary sing about God as her Savior? Mary knew that she was a person just like everyone else. God was not looking for someone smart, rich, or famous to be the mother of Jesus. God does not choose people because of what they will do for Him. He chooses people because of what He will do for them. Mary knew that she had a sinful nature and needed a Saviour, just like all of us (Isa. 53:6). God gave to Mary the gift of forgiveness of her sin. This forgiveness came through Jesus. Jesus would be Mary’s son and also her Saviour.

Why did Mary sing about Abraham? A long time before Jesus was born God spoke to Abraham and promised that the Messiah would come through his family (Gen. 12:2-3). God never forgot His promise. Abraham lived many years before King David, but Abraham and David were in the same family (Matt. 1:2-6). The people waited a long time, but God is faithful and always keeps His promises. Everything happens just as God plans because He has the power to make His plans happen. It was finally the right time for the Messiah-King to come into the world, and God chose Mary to be Jesus’ mother.

– Barbara Reaoch, ‘Why Christmas?
