“Remember my chains” (Col 4:18)
Paul in writing to the Colossians in a prayer request marked by its own brevity and simplicity actually highlights the deep anguish of a believer’s heart under the hand of persecution.
He does not rebel against it but lets us know that he feels it. It is not a light or easy thing. He does not diminish the realities of suffering whether emotional or physical. Surely in this we can also relate, knowing to some degree the reality of physical pain and hardship from time to time.
On so doing Paul indicates that he needs the support, not simply of God’s people, but of the Lord Himself. By asking them to join him at the throne of grace Paul is not simply asking for their encouragement, but for the Lord’s mercy. That is the believer’s priority as well as need.
As the same time Paul is drawing their attention away from himself to the Lord. That is ever the way of those who know the mercy of the Lord. Is is not about Paul, or any believer, but the Lord. He is looking to the Lord, and calling us to also.
How then do we pray for our persecuted brethren?
- That they may look beyond the immediate reality of suffering, lifting their eyes unto the Lord, as in Psalm 123:2
- That they might know the Lord’s gracious mercy, whether in intervention leading to deliverance, or intervention of sustaining and supporting grace (Psalm 123: 3,4; Matt 5: 10-12)
- That they are not being called upon to endure anything that is unique to them – but shared among the brethren in various ways and across time (1 Cor 10:13)
- That they might be sure that they did not deserve the suffering but that being faithful to Christ brought it. (1 Peter 2:20-21; 3:13ff)
- That they may know the joy of the “Blessedness” which Jesus pronounced, including of their reward in heaven (Matt 5: 10-12)
- But also that they might lift their eyes above their circumstances to the Lord’s glory, and be enabled to use even such a time for His glory (1 Cor 10:31)
“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also” (Hebrews 13:3)