Crucifixion: greatest travesty or moment of glory?

Crucifixion: greatest travesty or moment of glory?

“So, when he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him.” (John 13:31)

Certainly, we do not want to minimize the sheer awfulness and horrific nature of Jesus’ betrayal and crucifixion. Yet we must also note that the death of our Lord was both the greatest travesty in human history and one of the greatest moments of glory ever seen.

But why was the crucifixion a moment of glory for the Son of God? Because Christ’s death reveals the glorious character of our Creator. We see at Calvary the manifestation of God’s justice as Christ bears the curse that sinners deserve for their transgressions (Gal 3:10–14). On the cross, we witness the almighty power of God. Our greatest enemy, death, could not finally hold Christ captive. He rose again, conquering death (Acts 2:24; Rom 6:3–5). Calvary shows us the supreme wisdom of God in using what the world sees as despised and foolish as the means of its defeat (1 Cor 1:18–31). The crucifixion reveals the great love of God, for it is God Himself, in the person of Jesus, who bears the curse we deserve so that we can be reconciled to Him (Acts 20:28).

Yet, the crucifixion was a moment of glory not only for the Son but also for the Father. Because the Father and Son were fully united in providing atonement for our sins, the glory that accrues to the Son also accrues to the Father, and the glory that accrues to the Father also accrues to the Son.

Without the cross, there is no Christianity. In the atoning death of Jesus is revealed the glory of our triune God, and if we do not preach the cross, then we are failing to glorify our Creator. When we share the gospel with others, we must emphasize the atonement, for in the atonement we see the character of God in His mercy and justice fully revealed.

– Tabletalk Magazine, 1 August 2018
