Sermons by Karam Krayyem
Go, your son will live! (John 4:43-54)
Morning Service John 4:43-54 The Grace of Jesus The Nature of Jesus The Faith in Jesus The Gift of Jesus
Seeking Joy
Morning Service
Luke 15
1. Lost
2. Seeking
3. Celebration
I saw my God
Morning Service
Isaiah 6:1-13
1. I saw my God
2. I saw myself
3. I saw my mission
It is Finished
Evening Service
John 19:28-30
The Kingdom Banquet
Evening Service
Luke 14:15-24
1. Precious banquest
2. Priceless invitation
3. Petty excuses
A scroll and a message
Evening Service
Revelation 5
1. A message of comfort
2. A message of commissioning
3. A message of glorification