Sermons by Ben Nelson (Page 8)
Exalting Christ
Evening Service John 3:22-30 God’s sovereign gift Christ’s exclusive right John’s happy demotion
A Reborn Faith in the One from Above
Evening Service John 3:1-21
Signs of the Hour Having Come
Evening Service John 2 Time for Joy at Cana Time for Judgment at Jerusalem Time for Faith
Four Days of Testimony
Evening Service John 1:19-51 First Day Second Day Third Day Fourth Day
Christmas Carol Service – 2019
Carol Service
In the Beginning, the Word
Morning Service John 1:1-18 The Word is God The Word is the World’s Light The Word is Christ
Feeding on Christ
Morning Service John 6:48-59
Believing in Jesus the Son
Evening Service John 3:16-21 1. Deciding now for Eternity 2. Unbelief and the Darkness 3. Belief and the Light
The New Birth and the Cross
Evening Service John 3:9-15
You must be born again
Evening Service John 31:31-40