Sermons on Psalms (Page 5)
When Perplexed
Evening Service
Psalm 77
1. The Searchings of Distress
2. The Sights of Discovery
3. The Song of Deliverance
The God we Know
Evening Service
Psalm 3:3-4
1. Protecting
2. Sufficient
3. Restoring
Psalm 104 – Rejoicing in Our Father’s World
Morning Service Psalm 104
Atheists this Christmas
Morning Service
Luke 2:15-20
1. The Entity of our Praise
2. The Essence of our Praise
3. The Escalation in our Praise
Peace under Pressure
Evening Service
Psalms 62:8
1. Trust in God
2. Talk to God
3. Think of God
Walking with the Shepherd (7) – Future Prospects Enjoyed
Morning Service
Psalm 23:6