Sermons on Luke (Page 7)
Preparing for Christmas 5 – The Child is Born
Evening Service
Luke 2:1-7
1. an Historical Event
2. an Overruling Providence
3. an Identifying Mark
Preparing for Christmas 4 – Benedictus
Evening Service
Luke 1:68-79
1. Saving Purpose
2. Predicted Fulfilment
3. Transforming Enablement
4. Unmatched Impact
Preparing for Christmas 3 – Faith’s Song
Evening Service
Luke 1:46-55
1. It’s Passion
2. It’s Perception
3. It’s Position
Preparing for Christmas 2 – Faith’s Embrace
Evening Service
Luke 1:26-38
1. Faith’s Attention
2. Faith’s Attitude
3. Faith’s Ability
4. Faith’s Availability
Preparing for Christmas 1 – Get Ready
Evening Service
Luke 1:5-25
1. Solid Faith
2. Blessed Faith
3. Strengthened Faith
Kingdom Productivity
Evening Service
Luke 4:31-44
1. Our Foundations
2. Our Associations
3. Our Motivation
In the Growing Years 2 – Wisdom’s Demonstration
Evening Service
Luke 2:39-52
1. Love for God’s Word
2. Delight for God’s Presence
3. Submission to God’s Authority
In the Growing Years – Wisdom’s Development
Evening Service
Father’s day
Apologies, the first few minutes of the sermon were not recorded
Luke 2:39-52
1. The Reality of Wisdom’s Development
2. The Context of Wisdom’s Development
3. The Impact of Wisdom’s Development
God’s Grace and Spiritual Growth
Morning Service
Luke 7:36-50
Jesus Can Forgive Sins
Morning Service
Luke 5:17-26
1. Jesus Forgives Sins
2. Who then is He?
3. Who then are We?