Sermons on Acts (Page 9)
ACTS Turning the Word Upside Down 2 – When the Church Means Business
Evening Service
Acts 1:12-26
1. On its knees
2. In the Word
3. Under Christ
ACTS: Turning the Word Upside Down 1 – An Impossible Calling Made Possible
Evening Service
Acts 1:1-11
1. The Person to Express
2. The Power to Enable
3. The Purpose to Embrace
What the Resurrection Declares
Morning Service
Acts 2:23-24
1. Not Limited in purpose
2. Not Indifferent to Sin
3. Not Limited in power
The Story we Share 11 – The King is Working
Morning Service
Acts 1:1-11
1. The Encouragement Jesus Brings
2. The Examples Jesus Brings
3. The Enabling Jesus Provides
The Cross and Forgiveness
Evening Service
Acts 13:38-39
1. Learning about God’s forgiveness
2. Benefiting from God’s forgiveness
3. Live in the light of God’s forgiveness