The Story we Share 1 – In the Beginning
Morning Service
Genesis 1 and 2
1. God’s People
2. in God’s Place
3. under God’s Rule
Inner Transformation
Evening Service Matthew 6:1-8
A Tale of Two Righteousnesses
Morning Service
Romans 10:5-10
1. The ladders of works-righteousness
2. Christ given by faith through the Word
3. A response demanded
Faithful Sayings 2 – Rescue Mission
Evening Service
1 Timothy 1:15
1. Its Focus
2. Its Origin
3. Its Impact
Watch and Pray!
Morning Service
Matthew 26:40
1. Its Necessity
2. Its Demand
3. Its Example
Faithful Sayings 1 – A Golden Ring of Truth
Evening Service
1 Timothy 1:15
1. Something to Know
2. Something to be Convinced Of
3. Something to Proclaim
4. Something to Realize
A Bruised Reed in the Hand of Christ
Morning Service
Matthew 12:20
1. His Compassion
2. His Commitment
3. His Challenge
4. His Caution
Christ’s Resurrection Apperance to Mary Magdalene
Evening Service John 20:1-18
Psalm 104 – Rejoicing in Our Father’s World
Morning Service Psalm 104
Expounding the Word
Evening Service
Galatians 3:15-25
1. Desire for the Word
2. Understanding the Word
3. Responding to the Word