HOPE 3 – Hallowed be Your Name
Evening Service
Mathew 6
The Story we Share 10 – The King Enthroned
Morning Service
Eph 1:20-23
1. His Exaltation
2. His Authority
Beyond the Cross
Evening Service
Isaiah 53:10-12
1. Christ’s Destiny
2. Christ’s Declaration
3. Christ’s Delight
The Story we Share 9 – The King is Alive!!
Morning Service
John 20:19-31
1. The Demand Asserted
2. The Evidence Analyzed
3. The Consequence Amplified
4. The Reward Applied
Don’t Cry for Me!
Good Friday Service
Luke 23:26-31
1. The Gravity of Sin Confirmed
2. The Grace of Salvation Conveyed
The Cross and Forgiveness
Evening Service
Acts 13:38-39
1. Learning about God’s forgiveness
2. Benefiting from God’s forgiveness
3. Live in the light of God’s forgiveness
The Story we Share 8 – The Death of the King
Morning Service
Mark 10:45
1. Amazing
2. Costly
3. Loving
4. Necessary
The God we Know
Evening Service
Psalm 3:3-4
1. Protecting
2. Sufficient
3. Restoring
The Story we Share 7 – The King Who Surprises
Morning Service
Luke 4:31-48
1. An Authoritative Ministry
2. An Anticipatory Ministry
3. An Ardent Ministry
HOPE 2 – The Fatherhood of God
Evening Service
Mathew 6