Living Well for Jesus 5 – A True Ministry 1
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 2:1-6
1. Boldness
2. Integrity
3. Honesty
but God 8 – Wisdom in Charge
Morning Service
Genesis 41:37-57
1. Solid in Foundation
2. Strategic in implementation
3. Stubborn in Operation
4. Surpassing in Outcome
HOPE 6 – The provision of God – Give us this day our daily bread
Evening Service
Matt 6:19-34
1. Give us
2. This day
3. Our daily bread
but God 7 – Living in Wisdom
Morning Service
Genesis 41:1-36
1. Patience
2. Humility
3. Submission
Living Well for Jesus 4 – A new View of God
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 1:9-10
1. He is the True God
2. He is to be Served
3. He is to be Trusted
…but God 6! – Profiting in Prison
Morning Service
Genesis 40
1. Focused on God’s Glory
2. Faithful with God’s Word
3. Fortified in God’s Faithfulness
Living Well for Jesus 3 -The Impact of the Gospel
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 1:4-8
1. In Us
2. On Us
3. Through Us
…but God! 5 – The Innocent Sufferer
Morning Service
Genesis 39:19-23
1. A Challenge to Faith
2. A Realisation of Faith
3. A Testimony of Faith
The Gospel of the Cross
Evening Service
Mark 15:33-41
The Tower of Babel
Morning Service
Genesis 11:1-9