Hope 5 – “Your will be done”
Evening Service
Matt 6:10
1. What do we know about God’s will?
2. What are we praying about God’s will?
3. Why are we praying about God’s will?
…but God! 4 – Resisting Temptation
Morning Service
Genesis 39:6b-18
1. The Power of Temptation
2. The Principle of Resistance
3. The Provision of Grace
It is Finished
Evening Service
John 19:1-30
…but God! 3 – with His People!
Morning Service
Genesis 39:1-16a
1. Service
2. Success
3. Spiritual Life
Living Well for Jesus 2 – Making the Heart Glad
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians
1. They Work
2. The Really Work
3. The Really, Really Work
…but God! 2 – Kill the Dream-er!
Morning Service
Genesis 37:12-36
1. Obedient Son
2. Treacherous Sons
3. Deep Sorrow
Living Well for Jesus 1 – Realising Our Identity
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 1:1
1. Divinely Founded
2. Divinely Sustained
3. Divinely Blessed
…but God! 1 – Favoured Joseph
Morning Service
Genesis 37:1-11
1. A Father’s Favouritism
2. A Son’s Foolishness
3. A Divine Favour
What’s the Matter with Us?
Evening Service
1 Timothy 3:14-16
1. Our Dignity
2. Our Duty
3. Our Doxology
Shout to the LORD!
Morning Service
Psalm 100
1. The Motions of worship
2. The Manner of worship
3. The Motivations of worship