Words from the Upper Room 1 – See the Glory!
Morning Service
John 13:31-32
1. in His sufferings
2. by His sufferings
3. for His sufferings
Living Well for Jesus 19 – Local Church Life 2 – Fellowship
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
1. Pastoral
2. Patient
3. Productive
Love 4 – the Law of God
Morning Service
Psalm 32:1-2
1. Beyond Works
2. Beyond Works
3. Beyond Wiles
LOVE 1 – The First Commandment
Evening Service
Isaiah 45
1. The Predominance of God (Battle of the Gods)
2. The Primacy of God (No other gods)
3. The Problem of Jesus (The ‘I am’ God)
Love 3 – Facing our Sin
Morning Service
1 John 1:9; 2:1-2
1. Our Confession (1:9)
2. Our Consecration (2:1)
3. Our Confidence (2:2)
Living Well for Jesus 18 – Local Church Life 1 – Church Leaders
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
1. The Reality of Leaders
2. The Responsibility of Leaders
3. The Response to Leaders
Love 2 – Seeing the whole
Morning Service
Exodus 20:2-17
1. Know God and His Holiness it Reveals
2. Understand and Maintain its Symmetry
3. Look for its Inner-Scope not Loop-holes
Living Well for Jesus 17 – Brethren
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
1. Examined
2. Exemplified
3. Exercised
Love – the Law of God
Morning Service
Exodus 20:1-2
1. Grace and Glory
2. Faith and Love
3. Will and Life
Living Well for Jesus 16 – Glory Day!
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 4:16-5:11
1. Striking
2. Sudden
3. Stimulating