Only in Jesus!
Evening Service
Hebrews 10:14
1. Our Permanent Sacrifice
2. Our Present State
3. Our Progressive Situation
What the Resurrection Declares
Morning Service
Acts 2:23-24
1. Not Limited in purpose
2. Not Indifferent to Sin
3. Not Limited in power
Jesus is Much Better!
Morning Service
Hebrews 1:4
1. The Question of the Ages
2. he Implication for the Ages
LOVE 2 – The Second Commandment
Evening Service
Deut 4:15-31
Don’t make or worship idols
Don’t make or worship idols of the LORD
Love and obey the LORD
Words from the Upper Room 3 – Knowing Our Weakness
Morning Service
John 18:12-27
1. Our Protest
2. Our Problem
3. Our Pattern
The King Rejected
Evening Service
John 19:1-16
Meaningless, Meaningless Under the Sun
Morning Service
Ecclesiastes 3
1. Meaningless Under the Sun
2. Joy through Fear
3. The Meaning of Life – to live for God’s glory
Living Well for Jesus 21 – Parting Words 1 – Prayer
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
1. The Author of Sanctification
2. The Scope of Sanctification
3. The Certainty of Sanctification
Words from the Upper Room 2 – Love One Another!
Morning Service
John 13:33-35
1. A New Environment
2. A New Expectation
3. A New Exposure
Living Well for Jesus 20 – Local Church Life 3
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
1. Joyful
2. Prayerful
3. Grateful
4. Attentive