Living in Hope – Worthy of the Kingdom 2 – The Defense and Blessing of God’s Justice
Evening Service
2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
1. Keep the Honoured View
2. Keep the Present View
3. Keep the Longer View
Women of the Lord, Women of the Word
Morning Service
Exodus 4:24-26
1. A Crisis from God
2. A Clarity of Grace
3. A Celebration of Good
Living in Hope – Worthy of the Kingdom 1 – Flourishing in Grace
Evening Service
2 Thessalonians 1:3-4
1. It acknowledges God
2. Yet it affirms His people
3. Bringing assurance to them
Words from the Upper Room 6 – What do you see?
Morning Service
John 14:7-11
1. Something Obvious
2. Something Sublime
3. Something Essential
LOVE 3 – Don’t Maim the Name!
Evening Service
Exodus 20:7
Words from the Upper Room 5 – Follow Me!
Morning Service
John 14:4-6
1. Jesus leads the way
2. Jesus is the way
3. Jesus the only way
Living while waiting for Jesus 1 – Constant in Change
Evening Service
2 Thessalonians 1:1-2
1. God’s Commitment to His Church
2. God’s Provision for His Church
3. God’s Ministry within His Church
Suffer the Little Children
Morning Service
Mark 10:13-16
1. The parties involved
2. The Words of Jesus “Suffer the Little Children”
3. What it means to have a child like heart
Living Well for Jesus 22 – Parting Words 2 – Signing Off by Moving On in Grace
Evening Service
1 Thessalonians 5:25-28
1. Our Responsiveness
2. Our Responsibility
3. Our Resource
Words from the Upper Room 4 – The Cure for Troubled Hearts
Morning Service
John 14:1-3
1. Diagnosis
2. Prognosis
3. Prescription