Living in Hope – Overcoming End-time Confusion 2 – The Man of Sin
Evening Service
2 Thessalonians 2:5-12
1. His cryptic identity
2. His present restraint
3. His unleashed impact
4. His ultimate destruction
Words from the Upper Room 9 – Christian Obedience
Morning Service
John 14:15
1. Its Distinguishing Cause
2. Its Distinguishing Content
3. Its Distinguishing Character
Living in Hope – Overcoming End-time Confusion 1 – Stirred not Shaken
Evening Service
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
1. Error’s deep penetration
2. Error’s destructive impact
3. Error’s definitive antidote
Words from the Upper Room 8 – The Lord’s Provision
Morning Service
John 14:13-14
1. For the right thing
2. In the right way
3. With the right aim
Living in Hope – Worthy of the Kingdom 3 – Living God-worked Lives
Evening Service
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
1. Marked by goodness
2. Marked by powerful works of faith
3. Marked by the glory of Jesus
Words from the Upper Room 7 – Our Effective Ministry
Morning Service
John 14:12
1. The Promise
2. The Key
3. The Source
The Spirit In You
Evening Service
Romans 8:9-11
1. You are not in the flesh
2. You have life in Christ
3. You enjoy hope of resurrection
Pardoned and Free
Morning Service
Romans 8:1-4
Fellowship with God
Evening Service
1 John 1:5-12
1. God’s Character
2. Our Character
3. The Bridge God Built
The Blessing of a God Honouring Marriage
Morning Service
Matthew 19:1-15