Words from the Upper Room 21 – In the World 2 – Our Response
Morning Service
John 15:26-27
1. The Pressure
2. The Practice
3. The Pacesetter
A Godly Life
Evening Service
Philippians 2:12-16a
1. The Pursuit of a godly life
2. The Power of a godly life
3. The Proof of a godly life
4. The Penetration of a godly life
Justification by Faith Alone – Relic or Reality?
Morning Service
Romans 4:1-12
1. The Absence of Boasting
2. The Accent of Believing
3. The Awareness of Blessing
LOVE 9 – The 9th Commandment – Truth Telling
Evening Service
Exodus 20:1-17
Words from the Upper Room 20 – In the World 1 – Rejected
Morning Service
John 15:18-25
1. The Reality Expected
2. The Reality Exemplified
3. The Reality Explained
Kingdom Productivity
Evening Service
Luke 4:31-44
1. Our Foundations
2. Our Associations
3. Our Motivation
Words from the Upper Room 19 – The Ministry of Friendship
Morning Service
John 15:12-17
1. Its Constant
2. Its Characteristic Nature
3. Its Constructive Nurture
The Unlikely Saviour
Evening Service
Judges 3:7-30
1. A Problem Child
2. The Unlikely Man
3. Rest Obtained
Declare His Glory!
Morning Service
Psalm 96:1-13
This is our God
Evening Service
Nahum 1
1. Inflexible Justice
2. Irresistible Power
3. Infinite Mercy