Men in the Master’s Hands 1 – Tychicus the Faithful
Evening Service
Col 4:1-14
1. Disposition
2. Dependability
3. Devotion
Marriage – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 3 – The Bad – The Problem of Marriage
Morning Service
Gen 3:1-13
1. The Genesis of Sin
2. The Gravity of Sin
3. The Grace of Sin
Big Cross Words 4 – Reconciliation
Evening Service
2 Corinthians 5:18-19
1. Friendship Lost
2. Friendship Restored
3. Friendship Demonstrated
Marriage – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 2 – Foundational Charater
Morning Service
Gen 2:18-25
1. Companionship
2. Commitment
3. Confidence
Big Cross Words 3 – Propitiation
Evening Service
Romans 2:25
1. The Premise Implied
2. The Practice Involved
3. The Protection Inscribed
4. The Promise Invested
5. The Public Illustration
Marriage – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 1 – The Good _ Foundational Principles
Morning Service
Gen 1:26-28
1. Marriage is God’s Idea
2. Marriage is God’s Design
3. God’s Big Idea in Marriage
Big Cross Words 2 – Atonement
Evening Service
1 John 1:7
1. The need of cleansing
2. The means of cleansing
3. The effectiveness of cleansing
Singing the Lord’s Songs 10 – An Imprecatory Psalm
Morning Service
Psalm 140
1. Their Shock
2. Their Substance
3. Their Significance
Singing the Lord’s Songs 9 – A Hallelujah Psalm
Morning Service
Psalm 126
1. A Recognized Command
2. A Rational Command
3. A Reasonable Command
Big Cross Words 1 – Ransom
Evening Service
Matthew 20:28
1. The Condition Manifested
2. The Cost Met
3. The Change Made