Men in the Master’s Hands 6 – Demas
Evening Service
Col 4:14
1. Its Seductive Influence
2. Its Gradual Nature
3. Its Solemn Effect
Kingdom Life 2 – True Blessedness
Morning Service
Matt 5:3-12
1. Happy doesn’t cut it
2. The world doesn’t get it
3. Christians know and show it
Men in the Master’s Hands 5 – Luke – A Man of Selfless Loyalty
Evening Service
Col 4:14
1. Loyal to God’s providence
2. Loyal in God’s providence
Kingdom Life – Introduction
Morning Service
Matt 5:1-2
1. Christ’s Compassion
2. Christ’s Authority
3. Christ’s Determination
Semper Reformanda
Evening Service
Eph 5:15-17
1. By Christ
2. For Christ
3. By the Word
Do you have a part to play in your eternal salvation?
Morning Service
John 6:35-44
1. God chose his people and gave them to Christ before he created the world.
2. All whom God has given to Christ will, without a doubt, repent and turn to Christ.
3. All whom God has given to Christ will not turn away from Christ.
Men in the Master’s Hands 4 – A Man of Prayer
Evening Service
Col 4:12-13
1. The Priority of Prayer
2. The Passion for Prayer
3. The Priority in Prayer
Bringing the Roses
Morning Service
John 12:1-11
1. A Generous Gift
2. A loving Gift
3. A Discerning Gift
Men in the Master’s Hands 3 – The Comfort Men
Evening Service
Col 4:10-11
1. The Men
2. Their Ministry
3. Its Manifestation
Christ Alone
Morning Service
1 Cor 2:2
1. The Proclamation
2. The Participants
3. The Power