ACTS Turning the Word Upside Down 21 – A Delightful life
Evening Service
Acts 9:23
1. Supported
2. Surprising
3. Sustained
Kingdom Life 29 – The Lord’s Prayer 9 – At Temptation Gate
Morning Service
Matt 6:13a
1. Being Alert to Danger
2. Depending on God
3. Not Simply blaming Satan
Easy English Church – Meeting Jesus – The Great Doctor
Evening Service
Mark 2:13-17
1. Jesus shows mercy
2. Levi loves the mercy of Jesus
3. Are you ready for the Mercy of Jesus?
Kingdom Life 28 – The Lord’s Prayer 8 – Committed to Forgiveness – Part B
Morning Service
Matt 6:12b, 14-15
1. An Obligation
2. An Encouragement
3. A Chastisement
It is Finished
Evening Service
John 19:28-30
Philippians 2
Morning Service
Philippians 2:1-11
ACTS Turning the Word Upside Down 20 – He Began to Preach
Evening Service
Acts 9:20-25
1. With Passion
2. With Preparation
3. With Precision
Kingdom Life 27 – The Lord’s Prayer 8 – Committed to Forgiveness
Morning Service
Matt 6:12b, 14-15
1. An Obligation
2. An Encouragement
3. A Chastisement
ACTS Turning the Word Upside Down 19 – Truly Amazing is Grace
Evening Service
Acts 9:1-19
1. Obsession against Christ
2. Interjection by Christ
3. Commission of Christ
Kingdom Life 26 – The Lord’s Prayer 7 – Father, Forgive
Morning Service
Matt 6:12a
1. Its Importance
2. Its Necessity
3. Its Urgency