ACTS Turning the World Upside Down 25 – Where a Church Gets Called Christian
Evening Service
Acts 11:19-30
1. Born of the Gospel
2. Nurtured in the Scriptures
3. Characterised by Grace
Kingdom Life 42 – The Golden Rule
Morning Service
Matt 7:12
1. A Positive Rule
2. A Personal Rule
3. A Penetrating Rule
ACTS Turning the Word Upside Down 24 – Bad News or Good News
Evening Service
Acts 11:1-18
1. Accusation
2. Amplification
3. Acclamation
The Authentic Gospel
Morning Service
Acts 10:36-43
1. Centred on Christ Jesus
2. Supported by Credible Witness
3. Alert to Certain Judgment
4. Assuring of Complete Salvation
Taking a glory test
Evening Service
1 Samuel 4
1. Do you manipulate God for your own wants?
2. Do you take from God what is rightfully
3. Where is God’s glory
Kingdom Life 40 – A.S.K. – Living
Morning Service
Matt 7:7-11
1. The Content of our prayer
2. The Character of our prayer
3. The Confidence of our prayer
4. The Comfort of our prayer
Easy English Church – Meeting Jesus – The Woman Jesus Made Cry – Discovering True Joy
Evening Service
Meeting Jesus: The Woman Jesus Made Cry – Discovering True Joy
Luke 7:36-50
Kingdom Life 39 – Dogs and Hogs
Morning Service
Matt 7:6
1. Extremely Precious
2. Extraordinarily Prejudiced
3. Explicit Practice
ACTS Turning the Word Upside Down 23 – Putting the Pieces Together
Evening Service
Acts 10
1. God Works Ahead of His Servant
2. God Works With His Servant
3. God Works Through His Servant
Kingdom Life 39 -Judge Not?
Morning Service
Matt 7:1-5
1. The Meaning
2. The Malady
3. The Maintenance