Turning the World Upside Down 31 – Strong Foundations
Evening Service
Acts 14:21-28
1. Application to Apostolic Teaching
2. Appreciation of Pastoral Oversight
3. Assurance of Divine Faithfulness
Genesis: First Things 4 – The Day Above Others
Morning Service
Genesis 2:1-3
1. A Divine Institution
2. A Pillar of Testimony
3. A Gracious Provision
Turning the World Upside Down 30 – Through Many Tribulations
Evening Service
Acts 14:1-22
1. The Gospel’s Advance
2. The Gospel’s Rejection
3. The Gospel’s Response
Genesis: First Things 3 – The Dignity of Man
Morning Service
Genesis 1:26-31
1. The Object of God’s Special Interest
2. The Focus of God’s Special Activity
3. The Recipient of God’s Special Commission
Easy English Church – Meeting Jesus: The Rich Young Ruler – Do I Need Jesus?
Evening Service
Meeting Jesus: The Rich Young Ruler – Do I Need Jesus?
Luke 18:18-27
1. A Good Question
2. The Wrong Answer
3. The Right Question
Genesis: First Things 2 – The First Six Days
Morning Service
Genesis 1:2-31
1. The Process God Used
2. The Progress God Made
3. The Pleasure God Affirmed
Turning the World Upside Down 29 – An Appointment of Grace
Evening Service
Acts 13:13-52
1. The Reality of God’s Grace
2. The Realisation of God’s Grace
3. The Reception of God’s Grace
Genesis: First Things 1 – In the Beginning God
Morning Service
Genesis 1:1
1. The Creator
2. The Creation
3. When it Happened
The Lord’s Day!
Evening Service
Luke 24:33-43
1. Its Foundation
2. Its Celebration
3. Its Promise
“It is I Myself”
Morning Service
Luke 24:33-48
1. It’s Too Good to be True
2. It’s Truth is Wonderfully Good