Ministry Motivations 1 – The Generosity of God
Morning Service 2 Cor 5:1-8 1. Communicated 2. Considered 3. Confirmed
Behold the Wonder: Born Under the Law
Luke 2:21-24 1. Circumcision 2. Purification 3. Presentation
Manger, Cross and Clouds
Evening Service Hebrews 9:26b-28 1. The Sovereign King 2. The Servant King 3. The Surprising King
Behold the Wonder: The Choir Who Sang
Luke 2:8-20 1. A Song of Declaration 2. A Song of Delight 3. A Song of Devotion 4. A Song of Desire
Carol Service
Christmas Carol Service
Behold the Wonder: The King Who Came
Morning Service Luke 2:1-7 1. The Sovereign King 2. The Servant King 3. The Surprising King
Turning the World Upside Down 52 – Strategic Protection
Evening Service
Acts 22:22-23:10
1. A Clever Exploitation
2. A Critical Distinction
3. A Clear Conscience
4. A Comforting Conviction
Get JOY Right
Morning Service
Psalm 107
1. Consider the Lord
2. Communicate to the Lord
3. Continuing to Wonder
Turning the World Upside Down 51 – A True Israelite
Evening Service
Acts 22:1-24
1. My Loyalty
2. My Lord
3. My Life
Genesis: First Things 30 – Gospel lineage
Morning Service
Genesis 11:10-32
1. Gospel Opportunity
2. Gospel Realism
3. Gospel Hope