A 10% Return
MORNING Service Luke 17:11-19 1. A Great Motivation 2. A Searching Question 3. The Chief Characteristics
Turning the World Upside Down 54 – Great Opportunity Lost
Evening Service Acts 24 1. The Presenting Issue 2. The Right Issue 3. The Real Issue
A Call to True Christian Experience
MORNING Service Psalm 101 1. Draw Near 2. Hold Fast 3. Consider
A Kingly Resolve
Evening Service Psalm 101 1. To Begin with God 2. To Walk with God 3. To Work for God
Turning the World Upside Down 53 – Be of Good Cheer
Evening Service Acts 23:11-35 1. A Towering Presence 2. A Timely Presence 3. A Testing Presence
When Jesus is Unpopular
Morning Service John 6:66-69 1. A Solemn Scene 2. A Searching Question 3. A Scintillating Confession
Easy English Church – Turn Around
Evening Service Repent = Turn Around Matthew 3:1-12
Ministry Motivations 3 – The Honour of God
Morning Service 2 Cor 5:16-21 1. A Mediator Appointed 2. A Ministry Assigned 3. A Mandate Assured
Defective Thinking
Evening Service Luke 7:18-23 1. The Danger 2. The Cause 3. The Corrective
Ministry Motivations 2 – The Honour of God
Morning Service 2 Cor 5:9-15 1. Assessed 2. Aligned 3. Activated