Good Friday service – The Curtain is Torn
Good Friday Service Matthew 27:51 1. A Symbol of Separation 2. A Symbol of Mercy 3. A Symbol of Assurance
Turning the World Upside Down 60 – Standing Up in Life’s Storms
Evening Service Acts 27:21-26 1. God was with him 2. He belonged to God 3. He was in God’s service 4. God could be trusted
Following God’s Promise 7 – Faith in God
Morning Service Gen 15:1-6 1. Responds to Divine Proclamation 2. Rests on Divine Promise 3. Relies on Divine Provision
Turning the World Upside Down 59 – ‘Coffee Bean’ Christianity
Evening Service Acts 27:4-38 1. The Question of Activity 2. The Question of Attitude 3. The Question of Influence
Following God’s Promise 6 – The King among kings!
Morning Service Gen 14 1. Premised on Love 2. Promoted by God 3. Prescribed by Covenant
Set your minds on your true life
Evening Service Colossians 3:1-4
The Love of God
Morning Service Malachi 1:1-5 1. The Lord’s Statement, v. 2a 2. The People’s Question, v. 2b 3. The Lord’s Answer, vv. 2c-5
Service of Appointment of Rev Karam Krayyem – A True Minister of Christ
Evening Service 1 Cor 4:1-5 1. His Identity 2. His Requirement 3. His Evaluation
Following God’s Promise 5 – Lot’s Choice
Morning Service Gen 13:5-18 1. The Man 2. The Choice 3. The Contrast
Easy English Church – The Rich Fool
Evening Service Luke 12:13-21