Easy English Church – Are you right with God?
Evening Service Luke 18:9-14 The Stories of Jesus: Are you right with God? (The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector)
We are vulnerable and more than conquerors
Morning Service Romans 8:31-39 1. No one can stand against us 2. No one can condemn us 3. No one can separate us from the love of God
The New Birth and the Cross
Evening Service John 3:9-15
The Four Great Loves of God’s People
Morning Service 1 Peter 4:7-11
Turning the World Upside Down 61 – When You Trust God
Evening Service Acts 27:26-42 1. Practical Wisdom 2. Powerful Example 3. Positive Encouragement
Following God’s Promise 8 – Remember Me!
Morning Service Gen 15:7 1. The God Who Works 2. How God Works 3. Why God So Works
You must be born again
Evening Service John 31:31-40
Honouring God
Morning Service Romans 12:1-8 1. The Charge Put: you have not honoured God. 2. The Case Prosecuted: your guilt exposed. 3. The Condemnation Pronounced: rejected by God.
Easy English Church – The Seed that Dies to Live
Evening Service John 12:24 The Stories of Jesus: The Seed that Dies to Live
Really Living the Long Weekend
Morning Service Luke 24:47-49 1. A Report to Extend 2. A Responsibility to Embrace 3. A Resource to Employ