Turning the World Upside Down 66 – The Problem of Evangelism
Evening Service
Acts 28:24-29
1. The stubbornness of sin
2. The sovereignty of God
FOLLOWING GOD’S PROMISE 14 –Who’s Laughing Now?
Morning Service Gen 18: 1-15 1. God’s Presence 2. God’s Patience 3. God’s Power
Easy English Church – Towers and Kings: The Cost of Following Jesus
Evening Service Matthew 13:31-35 1. Three Costs of Following Jesus 2. Three Pictures
Return to the Lord
Morning Service Malachi 3:6-12
Turning the World Upside Down 65 – The Practice of Evangelism
Evening service Acts 28: 16-31 1. Take Hold of the Opportunities 2. Seek to Minimise Obstacles 3. Bring the focus to Christ
Following God’s Promise 13 – Covenant Enthusiasm –
Morning Service Apologizes but due to an issue with the recorder only the last few minuets of the sermon were recorded Gen 17:15-27 1. Faith’s Joy 2. Faith’s Concern 3. Faith’s Commitment
The Importance of Faith
Evening Service Mat 9:18-38 1. Faith is Simply Trusting 2. Jesus is the Object of Faith 3. Blessing Comes in Christ’s Power 4. A Good Reason for Faith
Following God’s Promise 12 – Marked For Life
Morning Service Gen 17:1-14 1. A New Name 2. A New Promise 3. A New Practice
Turning The World Upside Down 64 – Am I ready for Rome?
Evening service Acts 28: 11-15 1. God Reminds 2. God Refreshes 3. God Revives
Love covers a multitude of sins
Morning service 1 Peter 4: 7-10