Heavenly Glory of an Ordinary Birth
That Which Was From The Beginning
MORNING SERVICE Isa 59:1-21; 1 John 1:1-10
Can You Cheat Death?
MORNING SERVICE Ecc. 2:12-26; Acts 2:25-38
Public Worship 10: Lord’s Supper
MORNING SERVICE Exodus 24:1-11 Luke 22.14-23 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Public Worship 9: Baptism
MORNING SERVICE Eze 36:16-38; 1 Co 10:1-13
The Reformation is still relevant-the compassion of the Lord is certain because of His Word (Isaiah 55)
Isaiah 55
The Hymn of the Universe
Worthy the Lamb!
Where not to find your heart’s true joy
MORNING SERVICE Ecc 1:12-2:11; Col 3:1-17
Public Worship (8): The Benediction
MORNING SERVICE Numbers 6:22-27 Hebrews 13